Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring Change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online
Providing the children with a toolkit to stay safe online is extremely important to us here at Meole Brace Primary and Safer Internet Day is an annual, international event which helps to reinforce the lessons the children learn about online safety through our curriculum. We started off Safer Internet Day this year with an informative assembly from the School Council for all of the children in Key Stage 2, while Miss Jones led an interactive workshop for the EYFS and Key Stage 1 children.

During the afternoon, each year group had an area of online safety to focus on with Year 6 writing persuasive letters to parents/carers to highlight the importance of close supervision of children's internet use and the things adults can do at home to help children avoid the dangers they can meet online. One of the letters was chosen to be sent home to all parents/carers and you can see a sample of their work here. Children also explored 'Interland' which is an online safety game, created by Google, to teach many important online safety rules in a fun, engaging way. There were a range of other activities happening across the school and the children were thoroughly engaged!

Online Safety Competition
As part of our commitment to keeping children safe online, Miss Owens has organised a competition for the children to complete over the February half term break. We would like them to design a new desktop background for the devices at school with an online safety theme. The purpose of this is to remind children of how we can stay safe online every time we switch on a device here in school! Please see Miss Owen's letter to parents/carers for the full details.