Physical Education


"Sport has literally changed my life. I'm here because of sport. It has given me a lot of confidence, and a lot of courage, and a lot of discipline. It's helped me to be the person I've grown to be today." - Serena Williams

Physical Education (PE) and sport play an integral role within the lives of all the children here at Meole Brace. We provide a full curriculum that supports pupils in becoming physically confident, developing their individual talents and providing them with a strong knowledge of health and fitness. This has numerous benefits for children's physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing (increasing self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and lowering anxiety and depression). 

Through our carefully planned and sequenced PE curriculum, we build children's knowledge and fundamental skills methodically over time in a wide range of sports, including:

  • Competitive games (Tag Rugby, Football, Hockey, Rounders, Netball, Cricket)
  • Gymnastics (Floor Work, Apparatus)
  • Athletics
  • Team building games
  • Dance
  • Swimming in KS2 (see Sport Premium Report for outcomes)
  • Outdoor adventure and Orienteering

Alongside the Class Teachers, specialist coaches from Embrace Sport and PE, deliver the children's twice-weekly lessons and provide a high quality experience for all pupils, in line with the National Curriulum requirements. This also helps to continuously develop the skills and expertise of the teaching staff team in the subject area. 

To find out more about the progression of children's knowledge and skills in Physical Education, please explore the Physical Education Subject Handbook and to find out how funding is used to support our curriculum PE and to enhance children's sporting experiences, visit the Sport Premium page. 

Events and Competitions

In addition to their curriculum PE lessons, we encourage children to take part in as much physical activity as possible and therefore offer a wide range of extra-curricular sporting activities through lunchtime and after-school clubs. We also participate in many sporting events, fixtures and competitions throughout the academic year, ensuring children throughout the school, no matter what their Physical Education attainment levels, are able to take part to help build our three core values of community, respect and perseverance. Visit the Sports Teams and Fixtures page to see the latest activities. 

Year 2 children taking part in a tennis festival.

The School Games Mark

We are delighted to share that as a result of our dedication to sport and games, we achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award, for the 2023/24 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of sport across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.



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