"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." - Mahatma Gandi
At Meole Brace C of E Primary School and Nursery, we have designed a Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education curriculum and a Relationships and Sex Education programme that provide our children with important skills in decision making, forming positive relationships and pursuing healthy lifestyles. This curriculum places great importance in providing children with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world . Our three school values of Community, Respect and Perseverance are at the heart of children's learning.
This curriculum recognises the contextual needs of our children and has been planned to address important themes within the local and wider community as well as national issues. In doing this, we aim to teach our children to become confident and thoughtful members of the community who have the correct knowledge and information to make wise choices as they become more independent.
To learn more about out RSE programme, please watch our Parent/Carer information video following the link sent through our school texting service. All materials and resources used to teach Relationships and Sex Education are also available upon request from the school office or via the class teachers.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Following changes to the requirements for Relationships and Sex Education in schools by the Department for Education, it is compulsory for all primary age children to be taught Relationships and Health Education. Although these lessons are statutory, parents/carers do have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education lessons. We will therefore always write to parents/carers before any Sex Education lessons take place and provide them with the opportunity to view any of the resources we use in school.
You can learn more about our RSE programme of study and view our whole school PSHE curriculum and the progression of children's knowledge through the school, in our PSHE & RSE Subject Handbook.