"A people without a knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." Marcus Mosiah Garvey
At Meole Brace Primary we offer a rich and engaging History curriculum which provides children with a broad knowledge of the subject, built systematically over time through four key concepts: Empire, Leaders and Invasion, Settlements, Crime and Punishment and Communication and Invention.
Following these concepts throughout their school careers, children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the history of Great Britain and of the wider world, including ancient civilisations. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of the concepts themselves and use appropriate historical vocabulary when discussing them. Whilst exploring a diverse range of topics, children will develop their skills of historical enquiry, considering a range of evidence to help them draw conclusions.

We strive to provide all our children with opportunities to apply their historical knowledge to support knowledge retention and develop their abilities to recognise similarity and difference, cause and consequence and to make historical interpretations. To support this, we introduce them to a range of sources of evidence through educational visitors and visits and through the resources we present to them in school, including historical artefacts.

Where possible and beneficial, we also use our History topics as a rich basis for planning across the curriculum, providing the children with a range of exciting, engaging and meaningful contexts in which to develop, embed and apply their knowledge. These opportunities are mapped out carefully to ensure appropriate coverage across year groups and to allow for consolidation of those key concepts; as well as for progression in, and deepening of, knowledge and skills.
To see our full History curriculum offer, including maps of progression of knowledge across the whole school, please explore our History Subject Handbook.