"Without music, life would be a mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche
We are extremely proud to have been awarded the Music Mark this year. We are so pleased to have been recognised for the opportunities we offer in Music.
At Meole Brace C of E Primary School and Nursery, we believe that the teaching of music is important to the development of the child as a whole. It enables chidlren to begin to understand sound as a medium of expression and communication and it contributes to the our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We aim to:
- Teach children to be sensitive to sound and be aware of what they hear.
- Develop children's confidence, memory and ability to sequence.
- Give children the opportunity to learn about music from a variety of cultural traditions.
- Teach children about the elements of music when composing, performing, listening and appraising.
The National Curriculum and the Department for Education's Model Music Curriculum state that all children should be given the opportunity to perform and compose, listen and appraise, while experiencing the main elements of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre and texture. Children will focus on one or more of these elements in each unit of work in Music, with each unit usually lasting one half term. At Meole Brace, we place a high importance and emphasis on children gaining different experiences of both listening to and performing music, as outlined in this summary of our Music Development Plan.
We provide the children with opportunities to see professional musicians perform, working closely with the Shropshire Music Service to take part in 'Live Music Week' each year.

To introduce them to the possibility of playing a musical instrument, all children learn recorders in Year 2, pBuzz in Year 4 and brass in Year 5 during their curriculum music lessons. This helps fulfil the performance and composition requirements of the curriculum and helps them to learn to read musical notation. We then offer a wide range of musical extra-curricular opportunities for those who are inspired to take this further. Children can receive instrumental tuition from Year 1 upwards and we take part in instrumental and choral workshops and performances with other schools in the local area. Our Voices choir is run as a lunchtime club and they regularly perform in school and at events in the wider community.

To find out more about our Music curriculum offer, please explore the Music Subject Handbook which includes the sequence of learning and maps out the progression of children's knowledge as they move up through the school.