

"Mathematics is, in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas." - Albert Einstein

Our carefully planned daily Maths lessons ensure that all children make good progress through the lesson and throughout the year. Retrieval tasks during lessons, or units, allow teachers to make careful assessments about where children are in their learning in order for work to be pitched to build on prior knowledge and provide appropriate challenge for all. Quality first teaching using appropriate models and images in line with the teaching for mastery approach help the children to gain a sound understanding of the number system. Children progress through the curriculum, developing their calculation skills, reasoning and fluency. A long term plan ensures that units are appropriately revisited, enabling children to consolidate and build upon their prior learning.

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Physical representations, manipulatives and consistent models and images support children's learning throughout the school.

Although Maths is a discrete part of the curriculum, to create interesting learning opportunities, we incorporate context based activities linked to topics to show the use of mathematics in real life. Using Maths across other subjects, such as Science or DT, allows the children to see the value of the subject, and how it can be used in practical ways within school and out in the wider community. 

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Children creating Roman numerals with natural materials in Forest School.

We have an enthusiasm and love for Maths, which we encourage children to share.

To find out more about the coverage and sequencing of our Maths curriculum, please see our Mathematics Subject Handbook and our Calculation Policy

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