Year 6 Residential Visit to Arthog

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Arthog 2023

Click on the images below to see all of the amazing activities taking place on the Year 6 residential visit to Arthog. The gallery will be added to throughout the week. 

Good afternoon from Arthog. 

We had a decent first night and minimal tears. We are on first sitting for breakfast, unfortunately. Firstly that means we are up for 7am and a 7.30 sitting!!!!! Secondly, it means that we do not get offered seconds! After our breakfast of bacon, pancakes, scrambled egg, baked beans, cereal, yoghurt, fruit and toast we set off on our adventures for the day. One group had a real life Geography lesson walking from the source to the mouth of a local tributary.

Another group went and built a raft and completed several challenges before the inevitable loss of wellies (sorry Mrs Orchard) and the whole group 'fall in'. They have been brilliant and some of the group have demonstrated amazing teamwork skills. 

Night line tonight for one half of the group while the other half completed the photosearch. Some tired people this evening so we are about to head to bed after our hot chocolate. 

Day 3 beckons! 

Day 3 comments from some of the children...

"I did it!" Charlie said after crying and then reaching the top.

"My shoe fell off!" Olivia.

"Yesterday I stood on a raft!" Pablo (then he fell off)

"Food's BANGING!" Ezra

"I face planted the floor on the night line!" Grace

"I fell over, made a raft, got wet, got back up, fell down again!" Andreas.

"I hunted Mrs Cowan and Mrs Tilley in the canoe!" Maisy 

"Maisy capsized us!!!!!!" Autumn

"The slide was fun but very wet" Kirsty

"Hi Mum" Elliot


It's been a wet and windy evening outside. More tired people requesting an early night so we are off to brush our teeth and hit the hay! Weather looks wet tomorrow! 

Day 4

It's been full on Marty Pellow today!!!!! The children have been shivering and shaking but persevered down the river. From source to mouth. Other groups have been amazing and gone on a mountain hike! A totally wild morning for everyone.